Photos onsite
MEA 2017 was successfully held on 8&9 November, with more than 150 delegates on site.
Welcome speech by Mr. LI Dongsheng, BASTRI of COMAC
Welcome speech by Mr. Joseph DU, IET
Welcome speech by Prof. ZENG Rong, Tsinghua University
Group photo
Keynote speech from Dr. KANG Yuanli, BASTRI of COMAC
Keynote speech from Prof. JIAO Zongxia, Beihang University
Keynote speech from Prof. LI Yongdong, Tsinghua University
Keynote speech from Prof. Chris Gerada, Nottingham University
Keynote speech from Mr. Bob Bayles, UTC Aerospace Systems
Keynote speech from Mr. Martin Broadhurst, Royal Aeronautical Society
Keynote speech from Dr. Amit Gupta, Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Keynote speech from Prof. ZHANG Zhuoran, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Attendees on MEA 2017
Poster display
event overview